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| Bective LTC - Tournament and club information.
| | Charleville LTC - History and background of the club plus membership details.
| Donnybrook LTC - Overview of clubs activities, news, events and tournaments, with photos and club contact details.
| | Dublin University LTC - Notices, news of tennis events and contact details for the Trinity College club.
| Fitzwilliam LTC - Contact details & links, plus a member's only section.
| | Lansdowne LTC - Features membership application forms, tournament entry forms, and draws.
| Mount Pleasant LTC - General club news, social events, photo gallery, membership details, plus details of tennis, squash, badminton and table tennis activities and results.
| | UCD LTC - News, membership information and results.
| UCD Staff & Postgraduate Tennis Club - News, events, calendar, membership details and background information.
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