| | | | | Civil Defence Louth - Voluntary association which assists front line services, such as the gardai, fire service and ambulance service. Information about their activities, membership, and history.
| | Louth Leader - Information grant funding and support to tourism, enterprise, training, heritage and community development projects in the area.
| | Louth Live - News and information for the Louth area. Includes a business and community directory.
| | Louth Local Authorities - An umbrella site for Louth County Council, Drogheda Corporation, Dundalk Urban District Council, Ardee Town Commissioners, and the Dundalk Joint Burial Board.
| | Louth Web - Full guide to business, schools, recruitment, holidays, restaurants, history and activities.
| | Omeath and Carlingford Online - Details and information on Omeath and Carlingford, including bookings for accommodation as well as info on local events and things to do.