
Ireland, United Kingdom Northern Ireland Religion


All Saints, EglantineAll Saints, Eglantine - Church of Ireland. Offers overview, worship, news, activities, war graves and history. Emmanuel Baptist ChurchEmmanuel Baptist Church - Offers history, pastor, dates, ministries and contact.
Legacurry Presbyterian ChurchLegacurry Presbyterian Church - Presbyterian Church in Ireland congregation. Minister's thoughts, announcements, service details, organisation information and latest news. Lisburn Baptist Church Web MinistryLisburn Baptist Church Web Ministry - Offers overview, calendar, pastor's page, activities, missionaries, publications, publications, children, audio ministry and contact.
Lisburn Reformed Presbyterian ChurchLisburn Reformed Presbyterian Church - Includes overview, worship times and sermons. St Paul's Parish ChurchSt Paul's Parish Church - Features events listings, letters from the Rector and information about church clubs.
Trinity Methodist ChurchTrinity Methodist Church - Services, youth activities, organisations, building programme, photo, location and contact. Trinity Methodist ChurchTrinity Methodist Church - Services, vision, calendar, youth activities, organisations, photos, location and contact.


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